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Diesel vehicle emission Detection system

Diesel vehicle emission Detection system

Product Details

Diesel vehicle emission Detection system

Diesel vehiclesEquipment for automobile testing stationsSystem

Free acceleration test (opaque smoke method)

Place the pumping pump switch of the test vehicle on the accelerator pedal, start the measurement when the vehicle is idle state, the throttle pedal continuously and quickly in 1 seconds to completely step to the end, the vehicle must reach the speed of the oil break before loosening the accelerator pedal. The opaque smoke meter automatically samples and displays the results, and the average value of three measurements is the measurement result of the free acceleration experiment.

Accelerated test of the smoke degree method of filter paper

Place the pumping pump switch of the test vehicle on the accelerator pedal, step down the accelerator pedal in a second in the vehicle idling state, the vehicle speed to reach the maximum, so that the smoke meter sampling display results. Measured by national standards three times to take the average.

Diesel loading and deceleration method

Loading diesel deceleration method is fully automated by computer control system to complete the process of loading and deceleration of dynamometer. Collect three sets of detection data under the condition, according to the national standard to determine whether the vehicle exhaust light absorption coefficient K up to the wheel edge power, engine speed and exhaust light absorption coefficient K, we must compare the measurement results of different operating conditions with the emission limit value to determine whether the vehicle is qualified

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