LQC-2 Crankcase force tester
LQC-2 Crankcase force tester
Automotive Inspection Line EquipmentUse
Crankcase gas measurement is mainly used to measure the engine crankcase gas flow, so as to assess the engine dynamic seal, Judge engine wear, check the cylinder fault, detect engine grinding, detect air pump leakage.
Crankcase gas flow refers to the amount of working medium and gas in the cylinder into the crankcase from the unsealed between the cylinder and the piston. This instrument adopts the glass rotor flowmeter, according to the value indicated by the rotor to determine the size of the gas flow, with the characteristics of convenient testing, simple operation and reliable use.
Main technical parameters
Main detection range: 0-0.16MPa
Leakage Detection Range: 8-80L/Min
Allowable error: ±2%
How to do this
1, blocking the engine crankshaft vents and oil ruler holes.
2, start the engine, until its smooth operation, the guide pipe belt block replacement end with the measuring instrument input interface, with a conical rubber head into a section of the oil filling hole, such as the hole is too large, the conical head can be inserted into the rubber round garden plate hole, and then the disc pressed on the oil filling hole.
3, open the flowmeter valve, Airways Road smooth, then crankcase channeling gas over the float flowmeter can be observed
That is, the scale indicated by the flowmeter float is the gas flow of the engine crankcase at that speed.
4, the instrument also has the function of checking the sealing effect of crankcase under static, the operation is as follows:
(1) Blocking engine crankcase vents and oil ruler holes
(2) The Guide pipe belt block connector end with the measuring instrument output connector connected, with a conical rubber head end inserted into the oil filling hole.
(3) Connect the air compressor to the input port of the measuring instrument and inflate it, but the inflatable pressure does not exceed0.1MPa, Close the compressor, observe the change of pressure gauge, if the needle is not moving or slow down, indicating that the crankcase seal is better, such as falling back too fast will prove that the crankcase seal is not strict.
When testing, be sure to place the instrument vertically in case the tilt causes the flowmeter to produce a reading error. Crankcase vents, oil hole to block strict, guide trachea rubber head into the oil filling hole so that we have to tighten or tighten hard, to prevent leakage impact test effect.
When the flowmeter control valve is used, it should be adjusted slowly so as not to adjust too fast, and the float index is unstable and produces errors.
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